Monday, July 30, 2007

Jubitz Truckstop, Portland, OR

Our load picked up in Salem, OR this morning so yesterday, after we unloaded we headed down interstate 5 to Portland and the Jubitz truckstop.  Out here in the West, Jubitz is famous and we can see why!  It's a HUGE travelcenter with 2 hotels, a country/western lounge, full service restaurant, movie theater, convenience store, gift shop, deli and tons of truck parking and service options.  You can check it out here if you are so inclined.  

Once we got parked and Jack walked, we went in to take a closer look.  While perusing through the gift shop, we met Tom; a driver from Alaska.  We talked a little about de bidness and mentioned that we were going to have a drink in the lounge a little later.  Tom said he had the same inclination and he'd probably see us there.  Well, we did, he did and we got a table together and talked and told stories for quite a long time.  He had to be up at 0500 so we exchanged #'s and parted ways.  Beth decided that we should go too and she was right.  It was my time at night and instead of coffee and the water I'm used to drinking, it was beer so needless to say it wasn't long and my head was pounding.  A throbbing migraine that starts at the base of my neck and travels up and over to stab me right behind the eyes.  I fell asleep at 0200 our time and at 1000 my head still wasn't better.  I don't know if it was the beer that caused the headache or the lack of caffeine or the lack of water, but I can always count on Beth to take care of me.   Before she left this morning, she made sure I had taken something and when she went in, she brought me back a Coke and let me sleep.  Obviously I'm feeling better now, but who knows where I'd be without my guardian angel.  We're now travelling East on I-82 and I'll be taking over soon I just wanted to get it all down before I forgot.

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